For a given number field k with a place v, in the arithmetic setting that K = Cv and Lie groups, and the connection with Enflo's theory of groups uniformly free University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2032, Australia, and K


David Andersson & Thor Berger). ​Pågående arbeten: ​The Long-Run Patterns of Swedish Return Migration from America (m. Olof Ejermo, Kerstin Enflo 

Published: 2014-12-04 . With a grant of 5 MSEK she will study how the Nordic region became such a strong economy. Kerstin Enflo, Associate Professor at LUSEM, is granted ca. 5MSEK from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation for studying the history of economic growth in the Nordics. Kerstin Enflo.

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Information on meetings held by the Director-General; Share this page: Was this page useful? Yes No. Is there an issue with this page? European Commission website This site is … Gianfranco Di Vaioyzx Kerstin En⁄o{November 1, 2010 Abstract This paper is the –rst to apply a –nite mixture model to a sample of 64 na-tions to endogenously analyze the cross-country growth behavior over the period 1870-2003. Results show that growth patterns were segmented in two worldwide Curriculum vitae Kerstin Sofia Enflo Personal information Home address: Danska vägen 54, 226 39 Lund Date of birth: November 6, 1978 Languages spoken: Swedish (native), English (fluent), Dutch (fluent), French (conversation), German (conversation) Family Married with two children (born 2008 and 2010) Positions Curriculum vitae Kerstin Sofia Enflo Personal information Home address: Stenbocksgatan 6, 211 50 Malmö Languages spoken: Swedish (native), English (fluent), Dutch (fluent), French (conversation), German (conversation) Education 2008 PhD in Economic History, Lund University, disputation 12 April 2008, opponent: Kerstin Enflo & Anna Missiaia, 2020, I: Economic History Review.

I en studie som nyligen publicerades i ansedda Journal of Economic History visar forskarna Jakob Molinder, Tobias Karlsson och Kerstin Enflo att orter med tidig tillgång till el från det nationella stamnätet förändrades snabbt genom den nya tekniken.

I teach comparative politics at Lund University. Here, you can learn more about my research and my teaching.

Kerstin enflo cv

In contrast, the First Global Wave was marked by persistent heterogeneities. Visualizza altro. Meno dettagli. Altri autori. Kerstin Enflo · Vedi pubblicazione Link  

Samtidigt visar analysen att trenden mot ökad regional jämlikhet bröts kring 1980. Sedan dess har de regionala klyftorna ökat markant. Kerstin Enflo Wallenberg Academy Fellow 2014. Published: 2014-12-04 . With a grant of 5 MSEK she will study how the Nordic region became such a strong economy.

Kerstin Enflo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economic History at Lund University. Her research focus on long-run regional and industrial growth as well as local labor markets. She has conducted analysis to assess the role of natural resources, the extent of the market, agglomeration economies, technical change and regional convergence. Welcome to the personal website of Johannes Lindvall.
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Studies Economic History, Economic Growth, and Economic Geography. My research concerns regional economic growth in the long run. Kerstin Enflo.

K Enflo, T Karlsson, M Jakob.
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Kerstin Enflo Email: kerstin [dot] enflo [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se Professor at Department of Economic History Phone: +46 46 222 74 91 Room number: Alfa1:2096 Visiting address: Scheelevägen 15B, Alfa 1, Lund

Postal adress: Dept. of Economic History P.O. Box 7083 SE-220 07 Lund Sweden. Kerstin Enflo Email: kerstin [dot] enflo [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se Professor at Department of Economic History Phone: +46 46 222 74 91 Room number: Alfa1:2096 Visiting address: Scheelevägen 15B, Alfa 1, Lund Kerstin Enflo är professor i ekonomisk historia vid Lunds universitet. Hennes forskning rör ekonomisk tillväxt ur ett långsiktigt perspektiv. Hon har tagit fram historiska regionala räkenskaper för Sverige och Finland och analyserat historiska infras Se Kerstin Enflos profil på LinkedIn, världens största yrkesnätverk. Kerstin har angett 6 jobb i sin profil.

Mar 25, 2020 To remedy this problem, we follow Enflo et al. the natural logarithm of CV the previous year, and the change in the natural logarithm of CV the 

Kerstin Enflo Ass.Prof. Dr. Kerstin Enflo Contact CV. No curriculum entries found. Researcher Identifier. No researcher identifier found. Kerstin Enflo's 36 research works with 423 citations and 3,609 reads, including: Labour and the ‘law of one price’: regional wage convergence of farm workers in Sweden, 1757–1980 Work environment and health Salary and benefits Annual leave, leave of absence and sick leave Professional and careers development Working hours Terms of employment For new employees For international staff Kerstin Enflo 4 regional convergence. Our research will show that this particular feature of Sweden's development was caused by both migrations, which facilitated regional convergence in labour productivity in agriculture and services and the reduction of productivity differences across sectors. Download CV Introduction Erik Prawitz has a Ph.D.

I intervjun berättar hon om vad från vår tid som hon tror hamnar i Kerstin Enflo är sedan 2014 en så kallad Wallenberg Academic Fellow, vilket innebär att hon får möjlighet till mer tid och medel till sin forskning. Anslaget varar i fem år, och tidigare i år fick hon den goda nyheten att anslaget förlängs med ytterligare fem år. Kerstin Enflo E-post: kerstin [dot] enflo [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se Professor vid Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen Telefon: +46 46 222 74 91 Hämtställe: HS10 Rumsnummer: Alfa1:2096 Besöksadress: Scheelevägen 15B, Alfa 1, Lund Kerstin Enflo.